Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Meme That Is Worth At LEAST A Thousand Words

Here is a great meme I recently found on Pinterest, that pretty much sums up so much about the age-old paradox between the sexes.  It's a meme that is worth at LEAST a thousand words:

Note that both people pictured are, by definition, attracted to Women.  But they clearly perceive such Women quite differently.  It's like they both know deep in their heart of hearts exactly who the better half of humanity really is, but one is in steadfast denial to the point of "reaction formation" as a defense mechanisms (Freud would have a field day!), while the other is fully honest about it.

Perhaps it's really not so surprising we find studies like this one, showing that Women in general, even those who self-identity as straight, often have "surprisingly" far more "implicit attraction" to other Women than was previously thought.  So fellas, you may wanna learn how to "think like a WLW" if you really wanna improve your chances with Women.  You can start by NOT objectifying them, for example.  Indeed, in other words, think in terms of "I and Thou", not "I and It".

(Mic drop)

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