Links That Make You Think

The following is a list of important third-party links related to the Matriarchy movement and Female empowerment in general.  The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily those of Ajax the Great, The Chalice and the Flame, or the True Spirit of America Party.  Caveat lector.  Note that those links with an asterisk (*) next to them are NSFW (not safe for work), contain mature subject matter and/or nudity, and are intended for an adult audience.  Viewer discretion is advised.

Guru Rasa Von Werder

Woman Thou Art God (University of Mother God Church)*
Embodiment of God (University of Mother God Church)*
Rasa Von Werder's blog (with William Bond)*
Kellie Everts*
The Future is Women blog by Michael Krause
Wikipedia article about her (recently edited and improved)
Books by Rasa Von Werder
Rasa's YouTube Channel

William Bond

William Bond's Blog
Other Blogs by William
Why Women Should Rule the World
Gospel of the Goddess
The Golden Age
Femdom Matriarchy*
Female-Friendly Femdom / Femdom Christianity*
Matriarchy explained (interview)
List of HubPages Articles by William Bond
Matriarchy FAQs
Books by William Bond
The Return of Matriarchy (newest blog)
Wikipedia article about him (new)

Riane Eisler

Center for Partnership Studies
The Chalice and the Blade

Mary Faulkner

Women's Spirituality: Power and Grace

Ben Lawson

8 Reasons Why Men Should Worship Goddeses
Tantra Punk*
Other Articles by Ben Lawson
Dr. Linda Savage

Goddess Therapy*

Dr. James W. Prescott

Origins of Violence

Sarah Drew

Main Page
Feminine Awakening

Debunking Patriarchal Religion

Skeptics Annotated Bible (and Quran and Book of Mormon)
Vice-Verses (Bible and Quran) (take with grain of salt)
RationalWiki (take with grain of salt)

Other Links (some more relevant than others)

Bucky Ideas by Patricia Ravasio 
Web of Debt by Ellen Brown
The Feminist Perspective by Carol Brouillet
Monetary Sovereignty by Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Billions for the Bankers, Debts For The People by Sheldon Emry
My Tiny Secrets*  
Yes Means Yes (possibly NSFW)
Humans and Resources (archived)
Suppressed Histories Archives by Max Dashu
Knocking Down Straw Dolls (Max Dashu's excellent critique of Cynthia Eller's The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory)
Thomas Bearden and Free Energy
The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm by Anne Koedt*

Last But Not Least, My Own Other Blogs

True Spirit of America Party
Twenty-One Debunked 

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