Saturday, September 7, 2019

Against Moral Relativism

One thing I have noticed among various schools of thought, both inside and out of the Matriarchy movement, is the concept of moral relativism (also known as ethical relativism or cultural relativism).  That is, the idea that there is no objective truth in morality, period.  And while on the surface it may sound enlightened and progressive, please be advised that it is actually a very dangerous slippery slope towards egoism, amorality and moral nihilism.  And the logical conclusion to such a dubious moral theory turns out to be anything but enlightened and progressive.

In his famous essay, "The Challenge of Cultural Relativism", the late secular progressive philosopher James Rachels does an excellent job thoroughly debunking the specious arguments that underlie moral relativism.  Scratch that, he debones, slices, dices, and juliennes such arguments, and then fully lays waste to their remains.  And most notably of all, he does it all from a secular progressive perspective.

In a nutshell, the conclusion that there is no objective truth in morality at all (itself an absolute statement, ironically) does NOT follow logically from the premise that there are differences in moral codes between various cultures and time periods.  And if one were to attempt to make a valid argument justifying such a specious conclusion, we would also have to essentially tolerate not only various horrific evils because "culture", but also intolerance itself as well.  Nothing at all enlightened or progressive about that.  So much for relativism being a philosophy of tolerance and kindness.

In another chapter of his book, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, having already debunked moral relativism, he also then debunks the closely related idea of moral subjectivism in similar fashion.  This idea basically says that morality (right vs. wrong, good vs. evil) is merely a matter of opinion, again not objective.  And in essentially the same way that relativism fails as a moral theory, so too does subjectivism as well.

This is not to say that moral absolutism (such as the views of Immanuel Kant) is necessarily correct either.  We know that numerous gray areas do exist, of course, and both relativism/subjectivism and absolutism can thus be seen as two sides of the same fundamentally flawed coin.   Thus objectivism (with a lowercase "o", to distinguish it from the egoistic philosophy of Ayn Rand) is essentially the way to go.

So all progressives, leftists, feminists and/or matriarchists reading this, take note.  You really do NOT want to cede the moral high ground to the opposition, lest you fall into quicksand and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Rasa Von Werder's Website Is Back

The legendary Guru Rasa von Werder is back with her website "Embodiment of God" having now been updated for the first time in a while.  The latest updates to this side are essentially the genesis of Rasa’s new religion for Women only.  No offense, fellas, but it really has to be this way.  And besides, there are plenty of older posts and sections on that same site designed just for you, that you should check out.

Readers, please share it far and wide.  Also don't forget to check out Rasa’s (and William's) new/old blog as well, along with William's own new blog.  And please share those as well.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

2030: The Final Countdown (Updated)

Let's face it, fellas.  Women are taking over, and it will likely happen sooner than you think.  So few men seem to see it coming, despite the fact that we are increasingly becoming the redundant half of humanity.  But there are several reasons for my prediction that Women will take over politically around 2030 in the USA at least, and likely by 2050 worldwide:
  • Women have already crossed the proverbial Rubicon in terms of education.  Since the 1990s, there have been more Women than men earning college degrees each year.  Women now outnumber men on most college campuses, and since 2010 there are now more total Women than men who possess college degrees in this country.
  • Not coincidentally, in a growing number of cities, single women in their twenties and early thirties are out-earning men, in spite of the overall gender wage gap in general. Women are well on their way to becoming the richer gender.
  • The number of Women in high-powered careers continues to rise, especially for CEOs.
  • Automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are predicted to eventually take most if not all jobs from workers by 2060, and a large chunk of which taken by 2030.  This is especially true for traditionally "male" jobs, meaning that men will be hit the hardest and soonest by such trends.
  • Men, on the other hand, continue to lag behind, and are getting poorer with each generation these days.  And as the saying goes, whoever has the gold makes the rules.
  • The next economic crash, which will happen sooner or later, will be devastating to men.  Consider the previous "mancession" to be the warning shot.
  • Patriarchal religions and cults, at least most of them in the West, are imploding at warp speed these days.
  • The #MeToo movement, which in part was spurred by a reaction to the abomination that is the current occupant in the White House, may be catalyzing a quantum leap in Women's power and evolution.
  • The wonderful Marianne Williamson has announced her run for President of the United States in the 2020 election, a major 180-degree turnaround from her previously almost lifelong aversion to politics.
  • And last but not least, we have demographic trends as well.  Thanks to Women today living longer as well as having fewer kids than in the past, the population is aging, and soon the Crones (older Women) will have an unprecedented amount of power due to strength in numbers.  No wonder so many men, especially conservatives, are scared of "demographic winter".
  • Millennial Women will be starting to enter the Crone stage of life from 2030 on, in fact.
  • And while there will be a surplus of Women in general relative to men in general, and thus more strength in numbers, there will also be a shortage of younger Women relative to slightly older men by 2030 due to the fairly steep drop in birthrates since the Great Recession began in 2008, thus increasing the dyadic bargaining power of younger Women as well.  Such a one-two punch rarely happens, but when it does, it can be quite significant, especially when combined with the above trends as well.
Thus, 2030 seems to be the most likely time for the better half of humanity to reclaim their rightful position as the new leaders of the free world.  And Millennial Women will be the first generation to take over.  Of course, even if Women were to take over the entire world tomorrow, it would still take many more generations after that to finally heal the world from thousands of years of patriarchy, which is no easy task.  But the key step of the initial takeover is already under way, no matter how few see it coming--in fact, that's partly why it will be so effective.  Soon men will be begging Women to take over, even if only in the hopes of men getting a bailout. 

And when Women do finally take over, they will remember how they were treated, so it really behooves us fellas to clean up our act yesterday.  This last point absolutely cannot be overstated, for we all know what they say about karma.

Like the song says, it's the final countdown...

"J'Accuse!" Are Men Really Becoming The New Jews?

Short answer:  Not really.  And that is a LOT of chutzpah to even say something like that!

Longer and more nuanced answer:  Just like the specious claim that the #MeToo movement is becoming a "witch hunt" (itself also a highly problematic term given its history), the idea that men somehow are being persecuted now and/or in the near future does not really jibe with reality.

For now, at least.

But what about in the somewhat more distant (or perhaps not-so-distant) future?  The fear of KARMA, of course, is an understandably real fear among men.  Of course, as I have noted before in my post "The Man Question", the idea of an anti-male Holocaust (with men taking the place of Jews) or Reverse Inquisition / Burning Times (with men taking the place of Women) is of course ill-advised (not to mention horribly unethical) and should never be promoted or encouraged, as it would backfire on Women, thus transferring some of the dreaded karma onto them instead.  Though the risk of it actually happening is slim, it is not quite zero, so we do still need to be careful and defuse any such risk, however tiny, of it ever happening.  After all, "Never Again" really means Never Again, period, with no asterisks or qualifications.

By the way, this also applies to what is happening right now to migrant children on America's southern border.  This is how it starts, fellas.  Scratch that, this is actually several stages along the way already.  So why aren't you outraged about this?  Because you know it never ends there.

So, my fellow brothers, instead of calling you OUT, this time I am calling you IN.  Now is your time to apologize to the Divine Feminine, make amends, and "accept the unacceptable" (Hirohito's euphemism) by surrendering to Women.  NOW.  Because you will have to do it sooner or later, and the sooner you do, the better we will all be.  And when Women do take over, they will remember exactly how they have been treated, so it really behooves us fellas to clean up our act yesterday.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dr. Daniel Amen Confirms What We Have Known All Along

The aptly-named Dr. Daniel G. Amen has shown via SPECT brain scans that Women have more active brains overall than men.  Most notably, there is more activity (as measured by blood flow) in the prefrontal cortex, which is known to be responsible for impulse control and executive functioning.  This can explain why Women tend to have greater strengths in empathy, intuition, collaboration, self-control, and appropriate concern.  As for their greater activity in the limbic areas, this can be spun by men as a negative (i.e. being "too emotional") but as Guru Rasa von Werder notes, it can also just as easily be interpreted as a greater capacity for love.

As Dr. Amen noted on the Dr. Oz show, these results strongly suggest that Women are superior leaders compared to men.  In other words, he is simply confirmimg what we already know about Women and men.

Amen to that!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Please Check Out William Bond's Brand New Blog

The great and prolific author William Bond has a brand new blog, The Return of Matriarchy, that just went live recently.  For those who don't know who he is, William has been an advocate for Matriarchy for at least three decades now, if not longer.  And his work has certainly been a great complement to that of his friend and partner in the Matriarchy movement, the legendary Guru Rasa von Werder.

The work of both Rasa and William has been frequently featured and referenced on this blog of mine to one degree or another since this blog started in 2016, having studied and followed them both (along with other authors and visionaries) since 2014.  And while they each take rather different approaches, they generally arrive at the same fundamental core that they are both seeking.

And in case you missed it, here is Rasa's own new/old blog that is also shared with William.  Both are definitely worth reading.  Even if you don't agree with them 100% on everything (after all, even they occasionally disagree with each other too, as do I at times), one cannot deny that there is a great wealth of knowledge to be learned from both of them, and we all need to see the forest for the trees. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

How Long Do We Have To Save The Planet? (Spoiler Alert: Not Very!)

According to the world's leading scientists who are now virtually unanimous about this:  time is running out to save the planet from the converging catastrophes (especially climate change) threatening it's (and our own) very survival.  We have at most eleven years left to fix climate change specifically, to say nothing of all the other crises (deforeststion, desertification, pollution, etc.) which brings us to 2030, most likely a very pivotal year.

I don’t know about you, the readers, but I really do NOT trust men to save this world.  The past 7000 years or so is evidence enough.  Thus, as per my prediction that I made several years ago, Women would need to take over by 2030 at the latest if we are to have any hope at all.

Of course, I am specifically talking about a political takeover, particularly in the Western world.  That needs to happen as soon as possible.  The spiritual side of things, on the other hand, will likely take several generations to complete, as Guru Rasa von Werder has noted before.   Not perfect, of course, but if we make the perfect the enemy of the good, we ultimately end up with neither.

What better time than now?