Showing posts with label redundant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redundant. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

2030: The Final Countdown (Updated)

Let's face it, fellas.  Women are taking over, and it will likely happen sooner than you think.  So few men seem to see it coming, despite the fact that we are increasingly becoming the redundant half of humanity.  But there are several reasons for my prediction that Women will take over politically around 2030 in the USA at least, and likely by 2050 worldwide:
  • Women have already crossed the proverbial Rubicon in terms of education.  Since the 1990s, there have been more Women than men earning college degrees each year.  Women now outnumber men on most college campuses, and since 2010 there are now more total Women than men who possess college degrees in this country.
  • Not coincidentally, in a growing number of cities, single women in their twenties and early thirties are out-earning men, in spite of the overall gender wage gap in general. Women are well on their way to becoming the richer gender.
  • The number of Women in high-powered careers continues to rise, especially for CEOs.
  • Automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are predicted to eventually take most if not all jobs from workers by 2060, and a large chunk of which taken by 2030.  This is especially true for traditionally "male" jobs, meaning that men will be hit the hardest and soonest by such trends.
  • Men, on the other hand, continue to lag behind, and are getting poorer with each generation these days.  And as the saying goes, whoever has the gold makes the rules.
  • The next economic crash, which will happen sooner or later, will be devastating to men.  Consider the previous "mancession" to be the warning shot.
  • Patriarchal religions and cults, at least most of them in the West, are imploding at warp speed these days.
  • The #MeToo movement, which in part was spurred by a reaction to the abomination that is the current occupant in the White House, may be catalyzing a quantum leap in Women's power and evolution.
  • The wonderful Marianne Williamson has announced her run for President of the United States in the 2020 election, a major 180-degree turnaround from her previously almost lifelong aversion to politics.
  • And last but not least, we have demographic trends as well.  Thanks to Women today living longer as well as having fewer kids than in the past, the population is aging, and soon the Crones (older Women) will have an unprecedented amount of power due to strength in numbers.  No wonder so many men, especially conservatives, are scared of "demographic winter".
  • Millennial Women will be starting to enter the Crone stage of life from 2030 on, in fact.
  • And while there will be a surplus of Women in general relative to men in general, and thus more strength in numbers, there will also be a shortage of younger Women relative to slightly older men by 2030 due to the fairly steep drop in birthrates since the Great Recession began in 2008, thus increasing the dyadic bargaining power of younger Women as well.  Such a one-two punch rarely happens, but when it does, it can be quite significant, especially when combined with the above trends as well.
Thus, 2030 seems to be the most likely time for the better half of humanity to reclaim their rightful position as the new leaders of the free world.  And Millennial Women will be the first generation to take over.  Of course, even if Women were to take over the entire world tomorrow, it would still take many more generations after that to finally heal the world from thousands of years of patriarchy, which is no easy task.  But the key step of the initial takeover is already under way, no matter how few see it coming--in fact, that's partly why it will be so effective.  Soon men will be begging Women to take over, even if only in the hopes of men getting a bailout. 

And when Women do finally take over, they will remember how they were treated, so it really behooves us fellas to clean up our act yesterday.  This last point absolutely cannot be overstated, for we all know what they say about karma.

Like the song says, it's the final countdown...

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Robot Apocalypse Is Already Here

In case you missed it, the much-feared Robot Apocalypse is not something far off in the future--it is actually already here, hiding in plain sight.  And as much damage it has wrought already in terms of technological unemployment and inequality, it is really only getting started.   Future net job losses are already baked into the cake.

And men, who are becoming increasingly redundant, will be the biggest losers of all.  The next recession will surely finish us us fellas off in terms of the power we once had.  While that is good for Women in that it will make it that much easier to take over sooner--something that will make us all better off in the long run, in fact--it can also have some very bad short and medium-term consequences for everyone if the transition is not properly managed.  We rise together and ultimately fall together as well.  Look no further than the Rust Belt and Coal Country to see a taste of the not-too-distant future for the rest of the country that case.

In the shorter term, we could implement WPA-style jobs programs to take the edge off a bit.  But eventually the Robot Apocalypse will upend those jobs as well, so a Job Guarantee (JG) program would really not be much of a guarantee in the long term, and even now would already have logistical problems and much of it would amount to make-work boondoggles as opposed to truly useful work.

Fortunately, there is a simple policy measure that can alleviate the worst aspects of both automation as well as the transition to Matriarchy.  It's called Universal Basic Income (UBI).  Every man, woman, and child would get free money from the federal government, with no strings attached.  No means test, no discrimination, and no perverse incentives.  One way to fund this would be to "tax the robots", of course, among other kinds of taxes, but given that our federal government is Monetarily Sovereign, they could literally just print the money and disburse it, just like the FERAL Reserve does to the big banks, without costing the taxpayers one penny.  (State and local governments, however, are not Monetarily Sovereign, and thus would have to raise taxes quite high to implement their own versions, so it it is best left to the federal government to do.)

Combine this with the rest of Rodger Malcolm Mitchell's Ten Steps to Prosperity, most notably including single-payer Medicare For All and free college, and abolishing unnecessary federal taxes on the bottom 99% of Americans, and that would be even better still.

Furthermore, men can become very, very dangerous creatures when they are desperate for money--almost as dangerous as when men have too much power relative to Women, and in some cases even worse.  Just look at the 1996 film Fargo to see it in action.  Or look at some pilot projects in some poorer countries where only Women are given microloans or other payments while the men get nothing.  Giving money to Women is of course a much better bang for the buck than giving it to men, but denying it to men at the same time breeds jealousy, resentment, and sometimes even violence against Women.  So even if you absolutely loathe men with a passion, pragmatism dictates than men and women should get equal amounts of UBI to defuse this ticking time bomb, especially since money is literally no object for the federal government.

Without a hard social floor of some sort, what we have is an abyss, a bottomless pit from which no one is safe.  It is long past time to put such a floor over this abyss, which will only widen and deepen in the future.

It's what the late, great Buckminster Fuller most likely have wanted.   Ditto for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so many other great minds of the past and present.  It's a win-win-win situation for everyone but the oligarchs.  So what are we waiting for?

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Are Sex Robots a Good Idea?

With the advent of sex robots (i.e. realistic humanoid sex dolls programmed with AI to one degree or another), there has been quite a debate about whether such innovations are a good thing or bad thing on balance, and whether or not they should even be allowed to exist at all.  It would seem that plenty of people on both sides of this issue, and even the feminist movement is divided on this issue.

Some radical feminists, like Meghan Murphy, believe that sex robots are bad because they, and I quote, "epitomize patriarchy and offer men a solution th the threat of independence", and they "don't offer men companionship, they offer men complete dominance".  She essentially argues that the existence of such robots only reifies and reinforces patriarchal dominance and objectification of Women, in much the same way that pornography and prostitution currently do in her view.  Indeed, though robots did not exist in his time, Plato would likely agree with her, as would many contemporary thinkers as well.  But Aristotle (and later Freud) would likely take the opposite view, namely sex robots would offer men a beneficial "catharsis" (as opposed to reinforcement) for their lusts along with their desires for dominance.  And repression of such (i.e. banning robots) would ultimately do more harm than good on balance.

I personally take the latter view myself.    We know that men's demand for sex is generally quite inelastic, and while Women actually have a higher sex drive than men, men's libido is generally more urgent due to higher testosterone levels.  And robots would guarantee that no one gets hurt in the process, no matter how much of a selfish jerk a guy may be.   But there of course an even bigger and deeper, if somewhat cynical, justification for the existence of sex robots as well.  Because then, maybe the MRA/PUA/MGTOW lowlifes and dregs of society will actually leave real Women alone for once. Plus it would get these miscreants out of the gene pool as well, lol.  Thus, it would be an overall net benefit to the community and society at large.  

Meanwhile, real men will, if straight, still prefer real Women, hands down.  They are often imitated, but never really duplicated.  And even if gay or bi, most guys would still prefer other real people to robots.  Either way, there is ultimately no substitute for real human beings.  Remember, "It is the spirit that quickens [i.e gives life], not the flesh". And robots are by definition spiritless, no matter how realistic or how much AI they have.  

Besides, they also now have sex robots for Women as well.  And let's face it, they can probably do a much better job at pleasing Women than most guys currently do.  Not only are robots making us fellas redundant in the workforce, but now even in the bedroom as well.  Our technology is really backfiring on us, lol.  All the more reason for men to learn to be better lovers, lest we get replaced by Women and/or robots.  As I like to say, "be zealous, not jealous".  And certainly not both at the same time, as they really don't mix very well.