Thursday, August 22, 2019

"J'Accuse!" Are Men Really Becoming The New Jews?

Short answer:  Not really.  And that is a LOT of chutzpah to even say something like that!

Longer and more nuanced answer:  Just like the specious claim that the #MeToo movement is becoming a "witch hunt" (itself also a highly problematic term given its history), the idea that men somehow are being persecuted now and/or in the near future does not really jibe with reality.

For now, at least.

But what about in the somewhat more distant (or perhaps not-so-distant) future?  The fear of KARMA, of course, is an understandably real fear among men.  Of course, as I have noted before in my post "The Man Question", the idea of an anti-male Holocaust (with men taking the place of Jews) or Reverse Inquisition / Burning Times (with men taking the place of Women) is of course ill-advised (not to mention horribly unethical) and should never be promoted or encouraged, as it would backfire on Women, thus transferring some of the dreaded karma onto them instead.  Though the risk of it actually happening is slim, it is not quite zero, so we do still need to be careful and defuse any such risk, however tiny, of it ever happening.  After all, "Never Again" really means Never Again, period, with no asterisks or qualifications.

By the way, this also applies to what is happening right now to migrant children on America's southern border.  This is how it starts, fellas.  Scratch that, this is actually several stages along the way already.  So why aren't you outraged about this?  Because you know it never ends there.

So, my fellow brothers, instead of calling you OUT, this time I am calling you IN.  Now is your time to apologize to the Divine Feminine, make amends, and "accept the unacceptable" (Hirohito's euphemism) by surrendering to Women.  NOW.  Because you will have to do it sooner or later, and the sooner you do, the better we will all be.  And when Women do take over, they will remember exactly how they have been treated, so it really behooves us fellas to clean up our act yesterday.

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