Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

"J'Accuse!" Are Men Really Becoming The New Jews?

Short answer:  Not really.  And that is a LOT of chutzpah to even say something like that!

Longer and more nuanced answer:  Just like the specious claim that the #MeToo movement is becoming a "witch hunt" (itself also a highly problematic term given its history), the idea that men somehow are being persecuted now and/or in the near future does not really jibe with reality.

For now, at least.

But what about in the somewhat more distant (or perhaps not-so-distant) future?  The fear of KARMA, of course, is an understandably real fear among men.  Of course, as I have noted before in my post "The Man Question", the idea of an anti-male Holocaust (with men taking the place of Jews) or Reverse Inquisition / Burning Times (with men taking the place of Women) is of course ill-advised (not to mention horribly unethical) and should never be promoted or encouraged, as it would backfire on Women, thus transferring some of the dreaded karma onto them instead.  Though the risk of it actually happening is slim, it is not quite zero, so we do still need to be careful and defuse any such risk, however tiny, of it ever happening.  After all, "Never Again" really means Never Again, period, with no asterisks or qualifications.

By the way, this also applies to what is happening right now to migrant children on America's southern border.  This is how it starts, fellas.  Scratch that, this is actually several stages along the way already.  So why aren't you outraged about this?  Because you know it never ends there.

So, my fellow brothers, instead of calling you OUT, this time I am calling you IN.  Now is your time to apologize to the Divine Feminine, make amends, and "accept the unacceptable" (Hirohito's euphemism) by surrendering to Women.  NOW.  Because you will have to do it sooner or later, and the sooner you do, the better we will all be.  And when Women do take over, they will remember exactly how they have been treated, so it really behooves us fellas to clean up our act yesterday.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Robot Apocalypse Is Already Here

In case you missed it, the much-feared Robot Apocalypse is not something far off in the future--it is actually already here, hiding in plain sight.  And as much damage it has wrought already in terms of technological unemployment and inequality, it is really only getting started.   Future net job losses are already baked into the cake.

And men, who are becoming increasingly redundant, will be the biggest losers of all.  The next recession will surely finish us us fellas off in terms of the power we once had.  While that is good for Women in that it will make it that much easier to take over sooner--something that will make us all better off in the long run, in fact--it can also have some very bad short and medium-term consequences for everyone if the transition is not properly managed.  We rise together and ultimately fall together as well.  Look no further than the Rust Belt and Coal Country to see a taste of the not-too-distant future for the rest of the country that case.

In the shorter term, we could implement WPA-style jobs programs to take the edge off a bit.  But eventually the Robot Apocalypse will upend those jobs as well, so a Job Guarantee (JG) program would really not be much of a guarantee in the long term, and even now would already have logistical problems and much of it would amount to make-work boondoggles as opposed to truly useful work.

Fortunately, there is a simple policy measure that can alleviate the worst aspects of both automation as well as the transition to Matriarchy.  It's called Universal Basic Income (UBI).  Every man, woman, and child would get free money from the federal government, with no strings attached.  No means test, no discrimination, and no perverse incentives.  One way to fund this would be to "tax the robots", of course, among other kinds of taxes, but given that our federal government is Monetarily Sovereign, they could literally just print the money and disburse it, just like the FERAL Reserve does to the big banks, without costing the taxpayers one penny.  (State and local governments, however, are not Monetarily Sovereign, and thus would have to raise taxes quite high to implement their own versions, so it it is best left to the federal government to do.)

Combine this with the rest of Rodger Malcolm Mitchell's Ten Steps to Prosperity, most notably including single-payer Medicare For All and free college, and abolishing unnecessary federal taxes on the bottom 99% of Americans, and that would be even better still.

Furthermore, men can become very, very dangerous creatures when they are desperate for money--almost as dangerous as when men have too much power relative to Women, and in some cases even worse.  Just look at the 1996 film Fargo to see it in action.  Or look at some pilot projects in some poorer countries where only Women are given microloans or other payments while the men get nothing.  Giving money to Women is of course a much better bang for the buck than giving it to men, but denying it to men at the same time breeds jealousy, resentment, and sometimes even violence against Women.  So even if you absolutely loathe men with a passion, pragmatism dictates than men and women should get equal amounts of UBI to defuse this ticking time bomb, especially since money is literally no object for the federal government.

Without a hard social floor of some sort, what we have is an abyss, a bottomless pit from which no one is safe.  It is long past time to put such a floor over this abyss, which will only widen and deepen in the future.

It's what the late, great Buckminster Fuller most likely have wanted.   Ditto for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so many other great minds of the past and present.  It's a win-win-win situation for everyone but the oligarchs.  So what are we waiting for?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Will the Coming Crash of 2016 Accelerate the Transition to Matriarchy?

Recently, I posted an article on the True Spirit of America blog titled, "Is the Crash of 2016 Upon Us?".  In it, I outlined the various reasons why I predict that author Thom Hartmann was probably right in that there will be another financial crisis and stock market crash in 2016, perhaps even one that that will make 2008 and even 1929 look like a walk in the park.  Yes I know, I could in fact be wrong.  But recent events are making it look increasingly likely every day.

So what does that have to do with Matriarchy and the inevitable transition in that direction?  Turns out, a lot in fact.  Basically, in order for women to finally reclaim their rightful position as the new leaders of the free world, men need to surrender to them.  And most men will not surrender until they truly hit rock bottom.  It's just our nature that way.   Of course, even with the most cursory look at the statistics (and an open mind), we can all see the writing on the wall.  Women are rising, while men are falling.  In fact, women have already crossed the Rubicon in terms of education and are well on their way to becoming the richer gender, meanwhile us fellas are falling away and falling apart.  We are being gradually replaced by both women (for higher-skilled jobs) as well as robots/machines/AI (for less-skilled jobs), our wages have been falling, our once-great labor unions have been busted by the powerful men at the top who threw the bottom 80-90% of us under the bus, and we are thus are becoming increasingly redundant.  And the past two recessions, especially 2008-2009, have basically been dubbed "mancessions", in which men got hit significantly harder than women in terms of un(der)employment (excluding of course the "austerity" government budget cuts that happened in 2010-2013, that hurt women more than men).  We must note, and it bears repeating, that this is NOT the fault of women, but rather the result of our very own karma.

Thus, if the next crash is like 2008 or worse, I predict that men will likely be collectively hit so hard that they will never fully recover.   We still haven't fully recovered from the last one, so this time would likely be the ultimate death blow for us.  Sooner or later, it is only a matter of time before men will be begging women for a bailout.  And when that happens, women would then be in the power position.  Not right away, but we can see how this could accelerate the transition.

So fellas, it is time to do some serious soul-searching.  If you have not yet renounced the demonic patriarchy in all of its forms, now is the time to do it.  God willing, we will soon need women to rescue us.  Because let's face it, we have dug our own graves and will be in over our heads in no time.  It will happen sooner than you think.  And when women finally do take over, they will remember exactly how they were treated, so it really behooves us fellas to clean up our act yesterday.