We are ‘The Religion of Sex’!
William Bond
HI Rasa
I think if we are to start a new religion I think we have to be realistic about it. All successful religions are businesses, they are ways of making money or gaining political power. I know many religions like Christianity and Buddhism talk about living lives of poverty. But the people who rule these religions don’t think like this. We can see this with St. Francis of
Rasa says: Good point. What a great difference between the Saints poverty & suffering, & the ease of most high-up prelates – day & night. Some of the Catholic dignitaries lived like Kings & were treated as such. Everyone looked up to them, even the Saints, who had to swear allegiance & obedience to them or get kicked out! And Priests, in general, were treated with respect – in the old days everyone kissed their hand!
We see this all over the world, the leaders of any successful religion run it like a business and if the business model no longer works then the religion declines. I see this in
Rasa says: So it’s that bad over there? Good, Patriarchy is DYING & religion is one of their tools by which they oppress women – powerful tools, as they make people believe this or that. Like sin was introduced to the word by Eve. - That women must obey men, men are the head of the family. That women must be virtuous & get stoned to death if not – but men can be let go. Etc. A lot of rot is taught through patriarchal religions to hold women down, as we all know.
So I think what we have to think about; why would anyone want to join a matriarchal religion? It has become obvious to me that talking about, why God is a Woman or why would should rule the world, doesn’t attract a lot of interest. Because people are more interested in their basic instincts. I think you made the point some time ago Rasa, that on your Youtube videos you get more hits when you exposed more of your breasts. Like it or not, that is what people are like and if we are to attract a popular following we have to accept this.
So why would ordinary people want to join a matriarchal religion? If we appeal to people’s basic instincts then we can offer something that patriarchy cannot give people and that is a safe place to have sex. The weakness of patriarchy is that it’s anti-sexual and it’s laws and custom restrict the sexual lives of ordinary people.
Rasa says: You hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD. This is it, how we go. I’m going to change the name of my You Tube from “New Religion for Women” to “The Religion of Sex.” Because that is what makes US DIFFERENT than any other religion & that is what I have symbolized & that is what I’ve been preaching {that sex is not a sin.} But I did not think of calling or naming it or branding it this way – but there, you’ve DONE IT & it’s so appropriate it’s from the lips of God to my ears!
Patriarchy has put up many barriers for people to come together for sex. Like marriage laws and making prostitution illegal. So the common way people have sex is to get married or live with someone. But the problem with that is people will have sex a lot when they first live together but soon become sexually bored with each other. But they are not allowed to have sex with anyone else.
Rasa: Yes, variety is the spice of life, & why should we be limited with our sex partners? Who said so? I don’t think it was that way in the ancient days of matriarchy. The way I see it, women were the leaders & had sex with any man they chose, however many different ones they wanted, & the paternity of the child didn’t matter as she held all the resources, etc.
There is also prostitution which is illegal which makes it scary because in many cases it’s run by criminals. While only wealthy women can use male escorts. Then there is the fear of VD if anyone sleeps around. Also if women are willing to have sex with many different men she is insulted and called a whore, slut and other derisory names. Which puts women off wanting to do that. Although it’s far more acceptable for men to have sex with as many women as he likes.
Rasa says: One of the greatest items for Female Empowerment would be the DECRIMINALIZATION OF PROSTITUTION. Think how our social order would change if it was legal for women to demand money for sex! - & they were not shamed or looked down on for it. I mean every horn dog that is chasing a woman she could give him a price, {the more revolting he is, the higher the price} & then most of them would beg off & seek another woman for free – that would get rid of a lot of harassment.
And secondarily, there would be hardly any women left in poverty, for themselves or their children, if they could charge without fear of punishment or jail. Women have to go to welfare when they are destitute, but if they could charge for sex, there would be little poverty for women, as even the ugliest women would be wanted by someone – the ugliest men who no one wants.
So to give people a safe place to have sex, we have to think about women being in charge, but forget about whips, dungeons and black catsuits. We can make the point that sex should be an act of love and not about dominance and submission. So people can have sex however they like and with different partners providing it’s consensual. We can be a bit like the hippies and have free love but ban drugs and alcohol. As men are more likely to be violent when drunk, while drug addicts are more likely to end up as criminals. We can make it a rule that everyone has to have a VD test first, so everyone is free of VD. All sexual acts have to be consensual and no one is allowed in under the age of consent. We can make it clear this is a religion of love so all sexual acts are love making.
Rasa say: Priceless. Do you realize what you have done William? It could be St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow & he is giving me this through your words – a great GIFT –{he always blesses me}! This pulls together the whole magilla – Matriarchy – loving God – religion. As I said long ago “Put God back into sex & sex back into religion.” But still, in the New Religion I put God over here, & sex over there, God PERMITTING it, but did not put SEX into the title or banner, but here, you have done it & I see it is SO RIGHT! Because THINK – every other religion, which is patriarchal, running the world is AGAINST FREEDOM OF SEX & here we are, the one & only religion PRO COMPLETE SEXUAL FREEDOM FOR ALL, INCLUDING WOMEN. This brings the whole picture together into a valid form, a complete doctrine making sex our HEADLINE – after all – it’s how we part from the others.
Along with this, we can have a theology about why God is a Woman and why we all would be better of if women rule the world. As well as religious ceremonies. But to be realistic that won’t be what attracts people to a matriarchal religion. They will be more concerned about having a safe place to have sex and being with kind and caring people. William
Rasa says: Understood. We have a new banner, angle, POV, reference point, & this will be our Highway to success, not just a Jet Plane but a Satellite! – a Rocket Ship! It all MAKES SENSE now! I’m envigorated, calibrated, straightened out. I SEE THE LIGHT at the end of the tunnel! The way I had the New Religion was righteous it IS abut female safe space, being in charge, having their own zeitgeist, their separate beneficial word – all I’ve said is true. But how do we get everyone to agree to this/ To want to be in it – both women & men? It’s the SEXUAL FREEDOM.
I have my walking papers now, my Passport, my Lighthouse of how to proceed. This is new, different & better. I shall work now toward this with you guys helping. I will get on Face Book this way, the You tube will be changed – the TITLE & how I speak. And sooner than later I’ll hire someone to work with me full time to keep a strong internet presence. And of course there will be a book. I am eager to proceed, thanks William, I think you didn’t realize what you have done, but you did something to get us where we need to go.
AJAX THE GREAT (PETE JACKSON) SAYS: Very well said, Rasa and William! Excellent ideas, both of you. This will really put the New Religion, and Matriarchy in general, on the map. And have a very Happy Saint Patrick's Day as well 😊 🍀
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