Showing posts with label planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planet. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How Long Do We Have To Save The Planet? Spoiler Alert: Not Very

It's now 2020. According to the world's leading scientists who are now virtually unanimous about this:  time is running out to save the planet from the converging catastrophes (especially climate change) threatening it's (and our own) very survival.  We have at most eleven years left to fix climate change specifically, to say nothing of all the other crises (deforeststion, desertification, pollution, etc.) which brings us to 2030, most likely a very pivotal year.

I don’t know about you, the readers, but I really do NOT trust men to save this world.  The past 7000 years or so is evidence enough.  Thus, as per my prediction that I made several years ago, Women would need to take over by 2030 at the latest if we are to have any hope at all.

Of course, I am specifically talking about a political takeover, particularly in the Western world.  That needs to happen as soon as possible.  The spiritual side of things, on the other hand, will likely take several generations to complete, as Guru Rasa von Werder has noted before.   Not perfect, of course, but if we make the perfect the enemy of the good, we ultimately end up with neither.

What better time than now?