Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Second Women's March Was Also A YUUUUGE Success

On January 20-21, 2018, exactly one year after Trump was inaugurated, Women took to the streets again for another Women's March in numerous cities around the country and around the world.  This occurred during the ridiculous government shutdown, and lasted all weekend long.

This time around, the marches had the notable addition of the #MeToo movement combined with the previous anti-Trump and anti-Republican sentiment as well as feminism in general.  This is clearly a new wave that shows no sign of burning out--if anything, it seems even more invigorated today than a year ago.

Of course, going forward, much more needs to be done as well.  A day or two of protesting, while good, is clearly far from enough. Women, along with their male allies, need to continue to resist Der Trumpenfuehrer and his racist, misogynistic, xenophopbic, homophobic, plutocratic, right-wing authoritarian agenda.  Sustained protests and direct action by Women did work to remove the corrupt Silvio Berlusconi from power in Italy, after all.  This particular march may have ended, but now is NOT the time to abandon our efforts!  Failure is simply not an option anymore considering what is at stake these days.