Showing posts with label Hiatus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiatus. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Indefinite Hiatus

I have decided that this blog, The Chalice and the Flame, will be taking an indefinite hiatus for the time being, for the following reasons:

  1. I have been busier than usual lately with many different things in my life and have updated this site very erratically if at all, to the point of recycling old posts just to have something to post every month.
  2. I need to devote more time to my other blogs as well, which I had neglected for a while and just started ramping up in recent months.
  3. I have already posted at least 95% of everything useful I have to say about the topic of the transition from patriarchal dystopia to Matriarchal utopia.  Anything that remains can be found on my other blogs as well.
  4. While the Women's Movement in general has been largely headed in the right direction overall, nevertheless, several factions within that movement in general, and within the Matriarchy movement specifically, appear to be headed in a rather questionable direction.  This calls into question much of the movement's conventional wisdom and illustrates a need to step back a bit to regain any lost wisdom that may have inadvertently fallen by the wayside as of late.
  5. Overall, as current events so clearly illustrate, most of my work in this movement is either done, almost done, and/or redundant at this point.
Thus, it may be a while before I update this blog again.  Until then, feel free to leave comments on this blog and also to check out my other blogs, True Spirit of America Party and Twenty-One Debunked as well.

In solidarity, 
Ajax the Great