
Saturday, January 13, 2018

America's Dark Night of the Soul May Have a Purpose

On November 9, 2016, America's "Dark Night of the Soul" had begun, which then began in earnest on January 20, 2017.  A year later, things look even darker still.  We have a dangerous and unstable dictator in the White House and he is surrounded by cowardly sycophantic lackeys and enablers.  An openly racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and otherwise highly toxic dictator, in fact.  And he is doing all he can to destroy this country while further enriching himself, even bringing us to the brink of nuclear war in the hopes of "wagging the dog" to distract from the ever-growing Russiagate scandal that is closing in on him as we speak.  But what if there was a good reason why all this is happening now at this point in history?  After all, as the saying goes, it's always darkest before the dawn.

Enter the newly-invigorated Women's Movement.   The Trump presidency seems to have been a catalyst for an emerging new wave of feminism, or at least a re-activating of the most recent one.  Decades of pent-up anger are now finally being unleashed.  Between the Trump presidency and the aftermath of the Weinstein scandal, something seems to have shifted in this country, and the tipping point is likely in the rearview mirror now, with no sign of turning back.

Thus, it seems that the inevitable transition to Matriarchy has just been dramatically accelerated.   And my prediction of Women taking over by 2030 looks even more likely.  Indeed, it is always darkest before the dawn.  And sometimes darkness can show you the light.

Could this be why Mother God allowed the utter travesty of the rigged 2016 election to happen?  Because that is really the only explanation why this is the case.  So how does this story ultimately end?  Well, the rest is still unwritten, and ultimately up to Women.  What better time than now?


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