
The Menopause of Humanity

Or, "Fewer Babies, More Wisdom"

Menopause.  Love it or hate it, we all know what it is, with the degree to which we know it ranging from vaguely to rather intimately.  And rarely does anyone ever use it as a metaphor for anything, much less anything positive given how negatively-colored the "change of life" has all too often been cast under patriarchy.

But the wonderful Marianne Williamson made exactly such a metaphor about the entire species of humanity back in a 1990s interview.  To wit, she said that humanity is now at the menopause of our existence, meaning that what we need now is fewer babies and more wisdom.  And I honestly couldn't agree more with her assessment.

To put it very bluntly, the world is ridiculously overpopulated and in fact in ecological overshoot as we foolishly and mindlessly continue to devour and suffocate the very Mother Earth that gives us life, yet we treat that same Mother Earth as a mere mine for resources and a dump for our wastes and poisons.  All this is a direct result of patriarchy, and especially its favorite brainchild, capitalism.  Women all around the world are forced, coerced, deceived, and/or brainwashed, to one degree or another, into having kids that they otherwise would not want to have.  And when they do, they and their children often get trapped in abject poverty despite living in a world of natural abundance.  And the inane and insane addiction to growth for the sake of growth, the ideology of the cancer cell which eventually kills its host, just keeps demanding ever more and more fossil fuel energy and resources to be spent to make the already ultra-rich even richer, while the rest of us fight over mere crumbs.  

Fortunately, Women all around the world (along with some male allies) are waking up.  In no small part to many Women finally being able to to take control of their fertility, more and more Women are gaining power and, one day in the hopefully not too distant future, they will eventually take over.  And they will put an end to the evil wetiko paradigm of patriarchy and replace it with their own paradigm of Matriarchy.  And we will all be better off as a result--the entire planet, even us fellas.

Let the planetary healing begin! 

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